The Return to Innocence
[The poem is an attempt to relive the moments we all cherish when being a child and the magic it can have on us to make forget all our worries even though for a moment. Dedicated to all the wonderful children of this world]
Closing the work in the evening, a face with frown,
I Climbed down the stairs, with my shoulders down.
Eager to reach home, to get some rest
after a ten-hour drill, where i did give my best.
Looking back, critiqued my day,
Just to be sure was there any foul play.
Lie, anger, deceit, envy and ego,
were what i found which made me a bad No-go!
With Stress on the mind,
Still afresh from a weary day.
Was making me despair,
to look for a place serene, which i had to find.
Walking alone on the Beach,
Now turned golden by the evening Sun,
Was lost in thoughts which travelled far back in Time,
To a place where i cannot Run.
One little kid, caught my eye, off the shore
Playing in sand, on his own with great vigour.
He was all alone, but had no sign of fear,
The lovely little smile he wore, was so dear!
Just the sight of him gave me joy,
Forgot all my blues, thanks to the Miracle boy!
Filled with renewed glee and purity,
Was growing in me, a new unfeigned Sanctity.
He was playing in a world of his own,
In pure bliss, that can be matched by none!
Rain came in splendour, all of a sudden.
Which couldn't dampen his spirit, the little one's play has just begun.
Never for past, nor for future did he care,
Living in the moment was all he aware.
No malice, covet, or spite;
I could see he was full of Contentment and Delight.
True Wonder from God who made him so Pure,
Our childhood is something which is all Allure.
What new joy and heaven Were now in my soul,
that Transpired my heart which now felt Whole.
I just had a sight of pureness
Which was beyond all bound and price.
The return to Innocence had eased my pain
And Prayed to the almighty I must become a child again!
Santhosh Kumar S